Mary Ann Kuharski

Mary Ann Kuharski, author of Raising Catholic Children, and Parenting With Prayer, will speak to Defend Life on November 13th at Loyola College and on November 14th at St. John’s Westminster. The title of Mrs. Kuharski’s talk is “Raising Catholic Kids in a Sodom and Gomorrah World.”

Mrs. Kuharski is President of Pro-Life Minnesota, a statewide educational, nonprofit organization dedicated to proclaiming the pro-life message through billboard, television, and newspaper advertising.

In addition, she has served in various aspects of the pro-life movement and as a volunteer counselor offering support to women with crisis pregnancies. She is an Advisory Board Member of the National Council for Adoption and previously served on the Minnesota Governor’s Task force, regarding children with handicaps and special needs.

She has testified twice in Congress on adoption related issues and has appeared on local and national radio and television, including Phil Donahue and more recently on PBS.

As a pro-life activist, Mrs. Kuharski has discovered some alarming statistics in her home state of Minnesota. One-third of the abortions provided in Minnesota are performed on married women who have chosen abortion solely on the grounds of “convenience.” Over half of the women seeking abortions have had abortions before. Ninety percent of the women having abortions are undergoing the procedure primarily to please someone else; husband, boyfriend, or parent.

“These women need to know God’s love in their lives,” she said. Mrs. Kuharski will share her insights and experiences not only as a pro-life activist but also as the mother of 13 children, six of whom are adopted and of mixed races, some with “special needs.” As Mrs. Kuharski likes to put it, “We’re the only family we know who can watch the Miss Universe Pageant and we each have a country to root for.”

Mrs. Kuharski views parents as the “first missionaries” to their children. “Let your kids see you pray together, play together, parent together, and plan together. What kids want most is time, for time is love.”

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