Fortier beats drums for letter-writing recruitsIf you need motivation to write a letter to your state representative, says Nancy Fortier, go to NARAL's website, www.mdnaral. org. When you see the devious things the National Abortion Rights Action League of Maryland is up to, Dr. Fortier thinks you will be angry enough to join her pro-life letter-writing team. "We are going to convince our legislators that Maryland is pro-life and they should vote pro-life," she told her audience at the November 9 Archdiocesan-sponsored Respect Life Conference in Baltimore. |
Nancy Fortier urges pro-lifers to form a letter-writing brigade. |
Fortier, who is associate director for Justice, Pro-Life and Human Rights at the Maryland Catholic Conference, explained that letters from constituents play an important part of the legislative process of the Maryland General Assembly. The Assembly is only in session 90 days a year, and legislators typically must deal with about 2,000 bills. "They can't be experts in everything; it's up to us to educate them that these pro-life bills are there to protect women and children," she said. Legislators get a file folder on a bill, which will include letters concerning the bill from constituents. One legislator told Fortier that he had to vote for a certain bill because he was overwhelmed with letters in favor of it. How many did he get? she pressed him. "Oh, I got twelve!" was the reply. "My vision is to get thousands and thousands of letters to our legislators!" she said. In the upcoming session Dr. Fortier plans to ask the Assembly to pass an effective parental notification law: "Maryland is the only state that allows a bypass for parental notification on the decision of the abortionist!" When a pro-life bill is up for a vote, she will notify the members of her pro-life letter-writing team by e-mail, and send them a sample letter. "But you have to rewrite it; form letters don't work," she cautioned. And don't e-mail them. "Legislators hate e-mail: they get so many. We need to send them a message in a form they like‹envelopes and stamps. Letters and personal visits are most effective." You must first find out who your representative is. Check your registration card, which will list your legislative district, then call your county board of elections to find out his or her name. Or go to www.mdcathcon. org, and click on "Find your legislator." You can also call Legislative Services, 410-946-5400, and obtain a free copy of the book, Maryland General Assembly, List of Committees and Roster. "You need to make sure you're writing to your representative," she warned; "if you're not in their district, they throw the letter away." Fortier may sometimes ask team members to write to a committee chairman. They are very powerful and can kill a bill in committee, even though the majority of committee members favor it. In theory, committee chairmen are open to letters from people all over the state, she said. So far, says Fortier, NARAL is beating us in the letter-writing effort. "They're very effective at it; I need you to spread the word!" We cannot win the battle with good intentions and brilliant thoughts, said Fortier: the universe rewards action! You can picket, you can sidewalk counsel, you can pray the Rosary in front of a clinic, you can testify at committee hearings‹you don't have to be an expert to testify, she said. "But if none of this appeals to you, you can write a letter. "Everybody's got a list of commitments, but the time commitment for letter writing is relatively low. "You need to get up out of your chair; if you just sit on your chair and say, 'I wish abortion would end,' it's not going to happen!" To join Nancy Fortier's e-mail letter writing team, e-mail her at nancy@mdcathcon.org. |
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