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Information on diocese sex education programs withheld
The following are the questions which Defend Life submitted to Dr. Ronald Valenti, in lieu of an interview, and which he declined to answer:
- What is the Archdiocese's policy on catechesis on human sexuality? If this policy is in writing, I would appreciate a copy.
- What percentage of Catholic elementary schools now have such a catechesis? What percentage of high schools?
- Which specific programs are used in the elementary schools? Which programs are used in the high schools?
- Does the Archdiocese plan to mandate such programs in all its schools? If so, what is the timetable to accomplish this mandate?
- Are these programs part of religion classes? If so, how many weeks of the school year are alloted to them in the religion classes?
- How are the parents informed of these programs?
- Are parents given the opportunity to exempt their children from the programs? If so, what alternatives are offered the exempted children?