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Thanks for the Memories!
Many, many friendly folks made the Face the Truth Tour possible
by opening their doors and their hearts to the Defend Life demonstrators.
They gave them meals, very welcome cold drinks and, for the
dozen members of the core group that traveled from stop to stop,
a place to stay for the night.
We thank every one of you. It would be impossible to name
everyone, but here are a few:
- St. Mary's Catholic School in Hagerstown hosted lunch,
at which St. Mary's Assistant Pastor Fr. Robert Morey gave an
- St. Peter's Church in Libertytown gave pro-lifers dinner,
organized by Linda Pototschnik.
- Pro-lifers received a warm welcome at St. Ann's Church
in Washington D.C.; where D.C. captain Joan McKee helped prepare
lunch and Mass was concelebrated by Fr. Peter West and Fr. Thomas
Morrow;' . Sally Wieneke hosted a lovely dinner and overnight
accommodations at her home in Bowie. Mass was celebrated by Fr.
Peter West at historic Sacred Heart Chapel.
- "Linda," 'a member of the Church of the Nazarene,
stopped by in her SUV with bottles of cold spring water for
Columbia demonstrators.
- St. Louis Church in Clarksville hosted lunch, and Fr. Erik
Arnold offered Mass. Arrangements were made by Grace Kissane.
- Pro-lifers enjoyed dinner at the home of Westminster co-captain
Dawn Walsh and her husband Chris.
- Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Baltimore provided lunch
to the core group. Assistant Pastor George Jakopac offered Mass.
Jerry & Genny Clarke were our hosts.
- State Sen. Andy Harris and his wife Cookie hosted dinner
for the pro-lifers in Baltimore. .
- Good Shepherd Parish School provided lunch after the Perryville
stop. Captain Betty Newell handled arrangements. Moira Sheridan
arranged overnight accommodations for pro-lifers at Holy Family
parish in Newark, Delaware, and treated the core group to breakfast
at Howard Johnson's prior to the Wilmington stop.
- Annapolis co-captains Maureen Stansell and Trina Mazurek
hosted a great closing picnic at Maureen's home.
To everyone who lent a helping hand, we offer many heartfelt