Catholic Pro-Life Pro-Family
Voice Mail: (410) 296-LIVE
Action Line: (410) 296-BORN
Oct-Nov., 1998, Vol. 10, No. 7

Fr. Pavone Speaks in Millersville

The short, black-haired young priest adjusted his large-rimmed spectacles on his nose and gazed out at the packed pews of Our Lady of the Fields Catholic Church.

Fr. Pavone, head of Priests for Life, was winding up his homily. 'Our Lord proclaimed in today's Gospel, 'I have come to light a fire on the earth.' A fire of what? A fire of love! 'Love says, when someone is in danger, we speak up; we don't have the right to be silent. Speak up for your youngest brothers and sisters! When somebody's 'choice' destroys someone's life, that's everyone's business.' Fr. Pavone cont.

Pregnancy center volunteers help save babies one by one

On April 1, 1982, at an office on York Road in Cockeysville, Fr. James Farmer of Immaculate Conception Church led a small group of women volunteers in prayer.

The occasion was the opening of Pregnancy Center North. 'Father asked the Lord to bless the volunteers and the hundreds--no, the thousands of women that we would be helping. I thought, Oh, no!' recalls Dee Silverman with a laugh. 'Little did I know how prophetic he was!' More

Other Stories

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Forbes airs pro-life stance at conference

In a September 19 speech to the Christian Coalition, publisher and 1996 presidential candidate Steve Forbes positioned himself for a run in the next presidential campaign as a conservative candidate espousing pro-life, Christian values.

The centerpiece of his 1996 bid for the Republican presidential nomination was his proposal to abolish the graduated income tax system and replace it with a flat tax. More

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