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Guides for Opposing Same Sex Marriage
Downloadable Flyer 1.
Downloadable Flyer 2.
Join Us at Planned Parenthood Every Tuesday in Annapolis Maryland
Join us in Annapolis Maryland every Tuesday morning from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. in front of the Planned Parenthood on West Street. It's the last abortion clinic in Anne Arundel County. It's very modest in size. If you know people in the area that would be interested in helping, bring them. There is street parking available. |
Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally, Washington, DC
Rally Media Coverage
View Rally in It's Entirety
Congressman Steve King Speech
View photos from the rally on Facebook
View clips of individual rally speakers such as Michele Bachmann, Andy Harris, Trent Franks, Alan Keyes, Bob Marshall, and others.
Interview with Michele Bachmann
Americans Storm the Streets Article
Defend Life's Face the Truth Tour media press
conference discussing settlement from Maryland
State Police
Youtube Video; Baltimore Sun; CBS News Baltimore; Maryland Gazette; Fox News Baltimore; Baltimore Sun Photo; Pikesville Patch News, Pikesville Maryland.
Defend Life's Face the Truth Tour participants to
receive settlement from Maryland State Police
Governor O'Malley and Maryland Board of Public Works to award $385,000 to pro-life protestors, 10 plaintiffs to share settlement. ABC News report; Baltimore Sun article; Life Site News article; EWTN report; Jill Stanek comments; Faith in Action article; New Jersey Star-Ledger article; for News Blaze report; and WBAL-TV report.
View the unprecedented gestapo type arrest of 18
pro-life activists that occurred August 1, 2008 in
Belair, Maryland that prompted the above lawsuit setttlement.
Youtube Video.
Terminating Babies 3 Days After Being Born
Read The Hill's Congress Blog why terminating babies 3 days after they are born is being considered as good science and well being of society. Based on the original infaticide principles of Professor Peter Singer, Princenton University (see below).
Peter Singer Writes Script to Play God
Read about Peter Singer's shocking activity at Princeton University. |
Barry Sullivan
Hear Barry Sullivan's inspiring speech about abortion clinics and adoption to kick-off 40 Days for Life in Germantown, Maryland. |
Fr. Sammie Maletta
Hear a powerful homily by Fr. Sammie Maletta as he addresses how President Obama is threatening our Religious Freedom and declaring war with the Catholic Church. Please take a few moments to listen. No one sums it up more powerfully. 11 minutes. |
Protect Marriage
Tell Maryland lawmakers to protect marriage - send letters to the Maryland Legislature - 8,279 letters sent so far. |
Anita Crane at World Net Daily
GOP candidates stunned by abortion survivors - rape, incest 'exceptions' come forward to explain why there can be no exceptions. |
Abortionist LeRoy Carhart
To view inspiring video to commemorate the terror invoked inside the womb, when a year ago, abortionist LeRoy Carhart moved to abortion friendly Montgomery County Maryland from the less abortion friendly area of Omaha Nebraska. |
Matter of Life and Death T-Shirt
Defend Life's "A Matter of Life and Death" T-Shirt. Check your Defend Life e-mails to see how you can get your own "A Matter of Life and Death" t-shirt. |
Hidden Abortion
When abortion is hidden abortion is tolerated. |
Senator Mike Miller
Who is responsible for over 800 late term, fully viable babies murdered in Germantown, Maryland? Senator Mike Miller and communion? |
President Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan 100th Birthday Commemorative Poster |
Is Abortion Really Safe?? |
the Manhattan Declaration |
Kick Out
Post Card