Upcoming events

Keep up on the upcoming pro-life events in Maryland and Washington, D.C. area. For a list of reoccurring local pro-life events please click here.

If your group is having a Pro-Life event within a 100 mile radius of Baltimore or Washington, D.C. send details, including a picture if possible, to webmaster@defendlife.org and we will gladly post it for you. If you could put them in the format we use, it would be most appreciated!


Locations of visitors to this page

Defend Life Events

Defend Life Photo Album
Defend Life has started compiling a Photo Album from previous events. This is a "work in progress". If you couldn't make it to an event check out our album for some pictures.  Includes pictures from Notre Dame - Obama protest.

Pro-Life Speakers

Click here to see all upcoming events under What's New on the main homepage. All Defend Life lectures are co-sponsored by The Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation. Visit FGFBooks.com.

Other Pro-Life Events

Click here March for Life Kickoff Rally, Maryland State Council, Knights of Columbus, January 2012, and dates for future pro-life masses through 2012.

Hands Off My Health Care Rally, The United States Supreme Court, Washington, D.C., March 27th at 1:00 p.m. Over the past few years, Americans for Prosperity has been the premier grassroots group educating the public on the dangers of the President's health care bill. AFP's Hands Off My Health Care Tour criss-crossed the nation in 2009 hosting over 300 events and rallies. Then, in late 2009, over 5,000 activists gathered for AFP's Code Red Rally in Washington. We must remind the Court and all of Washington that the President's health care takeover is an affront to free-market principles. Not only is the individual mandate unconstitutional, but it forces consumers to enter the health insurance market against their will. Click for more information. Click to register.

Local events Posted on Pro-Life Unity.com

Reoccuring Local Pro-Life Events

Pro-Life Action News

Hear the great Joe Scheidler, the green beret of the pro-life movement, by calling 410-296-BORN (2676). If you have unlimited long distance please call 773-777-2525. Nobody has converted more persons to pro-life activism than the great Joe Scheidler.

You can subscribe to our local email alerts on pro-life issues and events using the form at the top of this page. You can also receive automatic phone reminders by calling 410-296-LIVE (5483) and leaving your phone number.

Every Day at any Time
Sidewalk Counseling and training of counselors
Planned Parenthood
300 N. Howard Street
Baltimore, MD
For more information contact George 410-591-9072
Please call one day in advance

Every First Sunday
Pro-Life Rosary and Prayers for Life and World Peace
St. Andrew by the Bay Church Chapel
701 College Parkway
Annapolis, MD  21401
For further information, contact Maureen Stansell 410-757-4132

Every First Friday, 12-2PM
Supreme Court Monthly March for Life
More info: www.marchtogether.com or contact Joe Healy @ 410-322-1481

Every Saturday starting as early as 7 AM
DC Area Prayer and Sidewalk Counseling

Contact listed person for specific directions and times
Planned Parenthood, Silver Spring MD - Janet Baker at
Potomac Family Planning Center, Rockville MD -  Bill Luksic at
Falls Church Healthcare Ctr, Falls Church VA - Ruby Nicdao at
Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic, Gaithersburg MD - Bill Luksic at
Landover Women’s Health Center, Landover MD -  Don Mayse at
Metropolitan Family Planning, College Park MD - Dick Retta at
Metropolitan Women’s Health Center, Laurel MD - Jim Vorsteg at
Fairfax Hospital, Fairfax VA - contact Frank Kelly at
Planned Parenthood, 16th and L St, NW, DC - Missy Smith at

Every Saturday, 8-10AM
Rosary Prayer Vigil
Potomac Family Slaughter House
966 Hungerford Drive
Rockville, MD
(Adjacent to Montgomery College, Rockville Campus)
Contact: Albert 301-530-7772

Every Saturday, 9:30-10:30AM
Rosary Prayer Vigil
Planned Parenthood of Baltimore
330 North Howard St
Baltimore, MD
Contact Mary 410-663-7845 or Lisa 410-467-2050

Every Saturday, 7:30AM
Pray Divine Mercy Chaplet & Rosary
Painters Mill Road and Music Fair Road
Owings Mills, MD
Contact Irene 410-363-4616

Most Saturday Mornings, Starting at 9:00 AM
Prayerful Presence and Sidewalk Counseling
American Women's Services
3506 N. Calvert St., Baltimore 21218
(diagonally north of Union Memorial Hospital in rear of the Carrollton condo bldg)
For info:
matt@defendlife.org 410-889-2499

Every Second Thursday 7PM
Hartford County Right To Life Monthly Meeting
Meeting Room 1 Bel Air Branch of the Harford County Public Library
100 East Pennsylvania Ave,
Bel Air, MD 21014
Contact: Bob Brown 443-567-2342

Monthly GBMC Picket
Held every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 4-5:30PM opposite GBMC's North
Charles St. entrance. 2 miles south of the Beltway. Contact Kurt Linnemann 410-913-3931.

Monthly Respect Life Mass and Rosary Rally
St. Joseph Catholic Church
8420 Belair Road, Fullerton
Prayer vigil will immediately follow Mass at Belair Road Beltway Plaza
Contact: Herb Haebler 410-256-8915

Every Thursday Noon-1PM
Face the Truth Tour
Abortuary located at Belair Road Beltway Plaza
Contact: Kurt Linnemann 410-913-3931

Every Friday 8:30-11AM 
370 S. Washington St.,
Falls Church,VA 
Contact: audreyzimm@gmail.com


Defend Life
P.O. Box 5427
Baltimore, Maryland 21285
E-mail: info@defendlife.org

Copyright 1987-2025. Defend Life. All Rights Reserved.