Back to the December 2003 Newsletter Index
Dear Friend of Defend Life,
Once again, because of the exceptional generosity of several
pro-life donors, Defend Life has received a $6,000 matching
challenge grant. This means any donations you make to Defend
Life no later than December 31, 2003 will be matched $ for $
up to a total of $6,000.
In other words, whatever amount you give, whether it be $25,
$50, $100 or $500, will be INSTANTLY DOUBLED to $50,
$100, $200 or $1000. If, with God's help and yours, we can raise
$6,000 by December 31, we'll have $12,000 to continue and expand
our pro-life efforts in 2004. Before I tell you our plans for
2004, let me tell some of what we have done so far with your
generous support during 2003.
- Arranged for Mike Schwartz, the head of
the pro-life, pro-family coalition on Capitol Hill to speak
twice, once in St. Mary's County and once at Loyola College.
- Sponsored a 5-day, 15 stop, 7-college April speaking
tour by Stephanie Gray, the head of the College
pro-life movement in Western Canada.
- Hosted a 4-day speaking tour by Father Denis Wilde
of Priests for Life, including a very successful priests
- Arranged for a 2-day speaking tour by Joe Schiedler
in May, the victor by 8-1 in the historic Schiedler vs.
NOW Supreme Court Case.
- This and most of this year's other speaking engagements
were arranged by the tireless Cookie Harris.
- Sponsored our most successful ever 5-day, 17-stop summer
Maryland Face the Truth Tour including such memorable
stops as the Holocaust Museum & Embassy Row in Washington,
- Sponsored 4 mini-Face the Truth Tours including a tour
at the National Conference of Catholic Bishops'
Meeting on November 10 exhorting them to refuse
Holy Communion to pro-abortion Catholic politicians such
as Barbara Mikulski.
- Helped organize and fund GAP, the Genocidal Awareness
Project at the University of Maryland and George
Mason University in September. See our September-October
newsletter for the remarkable results.
- Arranged a 4-day, 13OO-student October speaking tour
for Scott Klusendorff, the C. S. Lewis of
the pro-life movement including an extended Pro-Life 101
course for 40 college students at the University of Maryland.
- Sponsored "Therese," a wonderful "Lives
of Saints" drama produced by Leonardo Defilippis
and performed beautifully by Margaret Masny at Immaculate
Conception in Towson. Thanks to Dolores Orlando
who so capably arranged this event. Contact " Dolores
at 410-825-5191 for a "Lives of the Saints"
drama at your church.
- Continued to publish our outstanding newsletter. It's
one of the very best in the entire pro-life movement and
is superbly edited by Diane Levero. Michele
Sauers, our graphic artist, prepared the newsletter
for printing. Joe Frese, faithfully organized
monthly pickets at GBMC as well as recording our three times
weekly pro-life messages on Defend Life Action News
at 410-296-BORN.
- Jack Ames, Director, was interviewed
on EWTN during its live coverage of the March for Life and
spoke at Joe Scheidler's momentous Victory Rally in Chicago
on June 7.
Whew! It will be hard to top a year like 2003, but try
we must! So, with your financial help, let me tell you about
some of Defend Life's plans and hopes for 2004.
- A January 19-20 speaking tour by Bernie Smith,
the head of the pro-life movement in Northern Ireland. Bernie,
the vivacious mother of 4, has personally shut down 9 of
11 abortion referral centers in Northern Ireland and has
kept legalized abortion out of Northern Ireland! Contact
at 410-666-9411 for Bernie Smith or any of our
other speakers.
- A booth at the 2004 March for Life Conference where
we plan to encourage grass roots pro-life activists from
across America to sponsor Face the Truth Tours in their
own communities.
- A speaking tour by outspoken Orthodox Jewish Rabbi
Yehuda Levin, father of 9, from Brooklyn, New York.
Rabbi Levin has been addressing the March for Life in Washington
for the past 25 years.
- A speaking tour by Ed Martin, an Evangelical
clergyman, long-time pro-life activist and Rescue leader
from Ocala, Florida. Ed describes himself as "the
pastor of the street." You'll never hear a more
passionate speaker than Ed Martin.
- Talks by Vera Lord and Missy Smith,
both post-abortive pro-life activists. They have remarkable
stories to tell.
- At least one outstanding chastity speaking tour by the
likes of Barbara McGuigan, Annie Scheidler,
or Kim Marshall.
- A speaking tour by Joseph Kung on the
status of the underground Roman Catholic Church in China.
Joseph Kung is the nephew of the late Ignatius Cardinal
Kung who was tortured by the Chinese Communists for refusing
to deny his Savior!
- Our June 14-18 Summer Face the Truth Tour which
will again be capably headed by Nancy Bradford.
Mark these dates on your calendar now and contact Nancy
at 410-557-9155 to volunteer for our Core Team.
We will also have a special Face the Truth Tour on Wednesday,
January 14 from 9-11 AM in conjunction with the opening
of the Maryland General Assembly legislative session. Mark
that date on your calendar also.
- Giving away and mailing free audio cassette tapes of
all Defend Life talks. George Maalouf, our professional
audiographer as well as an outstanding architect, has the
ability to produce tapes within minutes after a talk on
his high speed duplicator. They can be taken home, listened
to time and again while driving, and shared with friends.
In this way, tapes of our wonderful talks take on a life
of their own.
- At least one pro-life activist event each month such
as a picket, mini Face the Truth Tour, or
Pro-Life Plan event. For more information on this,
visit their website.
- Another tour by Stephanie Gray or
Scott Klusendorff, talks by Joe Scheidler
and Mike Schwartz, and another priests luncheon.
So you see, we have a lot in store. But it can only happen
with your generous help!
Please make year generous donation today so we can take maximum
advantage of our wonderful $6,000 matching grant by December
31. Please use the enclosed reply card and envelope. Send or
fax this letter to other pro-lifers so they can also give. Don't
assume every local pro-lifer is already on our list. Thousands
are not!
And finally, when deciding how much you should give, please
remember this... Almighty God is never outdone in generosity!
Thank you!
Long Live Christ the King! signed Jack Ames, Director
PS. Anyone donating $50 or more will automatically receive
an audio cassette of Scott Klusendorf's recent outstanding
and updated talk at Holy Trinity Church in Glen Burnie.
P.P.S. We are also looking for several persons to assist
Cookie Harris in scheduling speakers at churches and
schools. We also urgently need a person to orchestrate our newsletter
mailings every other month. Contact Jack
Ames at 410-337-3721 to find out how you can