Back to the December 2004 Newsletter Index HLI Offers "Rays of Hope' In Spiritual BattleBecause he believes that fighting abortion is a spiritual battle against the forces of evil, Fr. Thomas Euteneuer has said prayers of exorcism in front of abortion mills. “When I go out to an abortion clinic, I know I am standing on the threshold of evil,” he told his audience at the Gabriel Project fundraiser Communion breakfast in Silver Spring October 31. Father Euteneuer does not perform an actual exorcism there, he explained; but he prays the prayer of Pope Leo XIII for exorcism, which starts out, “St. Michael, defend us . . .” One day he recited the prayer at each corner of an abortion clinic. He had prayed at three of the corners when a woman came rushing up, brushed past the praying pro-lifers, swore at them when they tried to offer her help, and entered the building.
“I hadn’t finished when the woman came running out and hugged the pro-lifer who had tried to give her a brochure,” said Father. The woman had changed her mind and decided not to have an abortion. “I could feel the prayer penetrating the walls of the clinic,” the tearful woman told the pro-lifers. Father Euteneuer, who is president of Human Life International, told the story to emphasize the fact that pro-lifers are engaged in spiritual warfare with what Pope John II has called a “conspiracy against life.” “The enemies of life are extensive, powerful and well-funded,” he said. Arrayed against HLI’s efforts to defend life worldwide, he said, are: All Western countries. The U.S. Agency for International Development alone has $400 million for population control programs, “not explicitly for abortion, but it frees up the receiving country’s funding for abortion clandestinely,” Euteneuer charged. The United Nations. Through its agencies such as UNICEF, the UN Population Fund, the World Health Organization and many forums and conferences, “the UN is a very dangerous, abortion-promoting organization,” said Father. The Rockefeller, Bill Gates, and Ford foundations, Ted Turner and George Soros. All contribute millions to promote population control. “Abortion revolutionary” organizations like Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes International infiltrate countries, promoting and performing abortions. “All these people conspire together,” said Euteneuer. “They share resources, strategy and ideas at the click of a mouse. We need to be aware of them in order that we might pray that the forces of righteousness will prevail.” HLI, often operating on a shoestring budget, goes into countries where abortion is not yet legal and “raises the red flag”; they tell local pro-lifers, “You must get organized right now!” he said. HLI’s efforts offer “rays of hope,” said Euteneuer. For example, HLI helped local pro-lifers in Ireland, Poland and Portugal to defeat attempts by the “abortion boat,” the Dutch vessel equipped as an abortion clinic, to agitate for abortion in their countries. The Communion breakfast was hosted by the Knights of Columbus Rosensteel Council. |