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Pro-lifers won't win any popularity contests

By Janet Baker
Treasurer, Pro-Life Maryland, Inc.

While we can see all too well the deleterious effects of contemporary pop culture upon the faith and morals of our society, we may not be as astute concerning its impact upon ourselves. We, too, have been spoiled.

We, as individuals and groups, are too desirous of being liked and accepted. We can be addicted to convenience, popularity, creature comforts and leisure. Brian Clowes says that we, as pro-life activists, will be hated, so we had better get used to it.

Why, are we hated? Because we witness to the fact that, society at large is guilty of the deadly sin of abortion.. Millions of people are directly involved in this sin: abortionists, pro-abort politicians, those who have had abortions, those who have forced women to abort, etc.

They are directly guilty. That is why they rail so mightily against the Face the Truth pictures, sidewalk counselors and any who actively espouse pro-life convictions. They hate facing their sin, so they envision us as their problem-much as Herod treated John the Baptist. .

Additionally, many millions simply are apathetic towards this evil; they too are guilty by reason of their complicity. Thus, they will react similarly towards us, lashing out against us in their guilty reactions. This is to be expected, in a way. In fact, if we don't experience such reactions, we probably aren't doing our jobs properly!

Too many people who profess pro-life sentiments are unwilling to face this hostility. Another word for this is, quite frankly, cowardice. I face this all the time when I try to recruit folks to come out in front of the abortion mills to "stand at Calvary with our Lord," as it were.

While they will be loudly pro-life in the safe confines of their church walls, they are mute when it comes to being where the crying need is.

There are folks who say that we must stop our activism and d vote ourselves entirely to prayer to end abortion. Prayer is a vital foundation to our activism, but the notion that prayer alone is the answer is not Scriptural; read Matthew 24-25.

I also suspect that this "prayer-alone" notion may be rooted, at least in part, on the unwillingness of some to endure the animosity of the death culture, and simply a sanctimonious excuse to avoid taking up their crosses.

What do we need to do? We need to develop a "battle mentality." In years past, we used to have more of . an understanding that we, as Catholics, are the Church Militant.

Unfortunately, we have taken a "touchy-feely, huggy-kissy" approach, seeking to be "kinder and gentler." Too many Catholics have sought after the addictions listed above and have become, well, wimps.

How do we correct this? That starts with prayer and frequent reception of the Sacraments, and study of Church teaching. If we are to succeed in this battle, we must be fortified spiritually, as the Church has tradition­ally recommended throughout the centuries.

We need to know that we are in this pro-life struggle for life. The pro-abortion mentality didn't just happen overnight with Roe 'v. Wade. The minions of death had been working diligently for many years for their goal.

To give credit where credit is due, they have pursued their warped goals with patience and discipline. We dare do no less.

Too many have dropped out of the active pro­life struggle. While many were obliged to do so due to family needs and other valid considerations, some have done so simply because they've allowed themselves to become bitter, discouraged, or otherwise jaded.

To these brothers and sisters I recommend they read Hebrews 10: 32-29. They may wish, in that light, to consider their "retirements" rescinded.

This series is based on Brian Clowes' Pro-Life Training Program, available from Human Life International ( I recommend that every­one get a copy, as my series can give only a brief overview of the program.

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